(博士論文) |
鈴木 右文 (1993) |
水野 佳三 (1994) |
平田 一郎 (1995) |
田子内 健介 (2001) |
池内 正幸 (2002) |
Predication and Modification - A Minimalist Approach.
松山 哲也 (2003) |
江頭 浩樹 (2004) |
薬袋 詩子 (2004) |
行田 勇 (2005) |
田中 江扶 (2006) |
伊藤 達也 (2007) |
神谷 昇 PhD (2007) |
Word Formation and the Syntactic and Semantic Structures of Adjectives.
曽雌 崇弘 PhD (2007) |
Linguistic Integration: Event-related Potential Studies.
崔 珍賀 (2007) |
長谷部郁子 PhD (2007) |
On the Formation of Complex Predicates and the Modularity of Morphology.
高祖 歩美 PhD (2008) |
Phonological Processing in the Comprehension of Spoken Japanese: Behavioral and
Electrophysiological Studies.
靫江 静 PhD (2011) |
Function –Driven Movement: Left-Peripheries in English.
秦 政寛 PhD (2012) |
Effects of Grammatical and Semantic Categories on Lexical Processing of Single Words: Behavioral and
Electrophysiological Investigation.
立田 夏子 PhD (2014) |
An event-related brain potential study of English morphosyntactic processing in Japanese learners of
熊谷 学而 PhD (2015) |
The Logical Problem of Loanword Adaptation and Hidden Phonology
矢田 康人 (2023) |
(修士論文) |
薬袋 詩子 MA (2003) |
Children’s Acquisition of Passive Sentences in Japanese.
高祖 歩美 MA (2005) |
Processing Japanese Ditransitive Sentences Varying in Word Order:
A Neuropphysiological Study.
中村 直子 MA (2006) |
Universal Grammar and Foreign Language Acquisition: A Developmental Study of Passive Unaccusatives in
L2 English. |
片岡 瑠璃 MA (2008) |
Conceptual Processing of Words and Pictures: An Event-related Potential Study. |
柳瀬 新司 MA (2008) |
Analysis of Middle Construction in English and German. |
小原 洋子 MA (2009)
(梶川洋子) |
Cortical Activation of Speech Planning during Verb Generation Task: Studies with
Event-related Potentials.
笠井 咲 MA (2009) |
Cortical Activity Underlying the Processing of Native and Second Language Repetition Task: A
Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study. |
栗原 鷹也 MA (2009) |
Early Syntactic Responses to Word Category Violations in Japanese: An Event-related Brain Potential
Study. |
鑓水 秀和 MA (2012) |
Category-dependent Interference with Target-stimulus Identification.
熊谷 学而 MA (2013) |
Hidden Native Phonology of Tokyo Japanese Accentuation |
土橋 由季 MA (2014) |
Unaccusativity in English and German An Exo-Skeletal Approach |
張 岩 MA (2016) |
The A+I construction and Unaccusative Hypoyhesis |
矢田 康人 MA (2016) |
Induction of speech fluency by using transcranial direct current electrical stimulation and delayed
auditory feedback |
能登 淳 MA (2017) |
日本語の「Vしてあげる」構文にみる受益者付与のメカニズム |
PARK EUNBI MA (2018) |
The Effect of Speech Motor Command on Lexical Processes in Word Production
(単語産出時の発話運動指令が語彙処理に及ぼす影響に関する検討) |
松橋 憲吾 MA (2019) |
Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation to language-related regions on speech fluency under
delayed auditory feedback |
堀口 幸秀 MA (2019) |
The implicit checking of lexical relation between verbs and objects in the processing of case
information: an ERP study |
荻野 亜希子 MA (2022) |
A retrospective study for neuropsychological outcomes of intraoperative language mapping guided awake
craniotomy |